Week 8
Wow, this update is late! I apologize. The last three weeks have been great! As you can tell from the pictures below, my trouble areas (temples and jaw line), have finally started to clear up. My cheeks have gone a week without a breakout as well as my chin and forehead. I did get a new one on my neck yesterday but it's going away quickly. Today was also my Dermatologist appointment. He said I'm reacting great to the Accutane treatment. I would have to agree! He kept me on 80mg per day. He didn’t give me a blood test this time. He said the tests I took after the first month looked great so I should have nothing to worry about. He said if there was going to be a reaction to the medicine, it would have been in the first month. My daily routine has stayed the same except for the fact that I have to apply lotion to my face and arms after every shower now. If I don't, 30 minutes later I will be a flaky mess. I'm still using the same soap and lotion. The dandruff has returned but the dermatologist told me it was normal so I won't worry too much about it. Regardless of what shampoo I use, it remains. I can deal with it for another two months. I have been using a new product to gently scrub the dry skin off my face called "Aveeno Skin Brightening Daily Scrub". It’s really gentle to the skin yet gets the job done. I will post a picture to the side effects page soon. The only thing discouraging at this time is that without all the redness, my scars are starting to show. I never realized how many I had. I'll worry about those after the Accutane treatment is over.
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